Affiliation No:2130992

School Mission Statement

Our school is situated in the rural area, so we will emphasize for over all improvement of English speaking, reading and writing of the students

  • with the help of various activities, during the next three years.
  • Goals

    • To develop the knowledge, attitude and skills in the students to the nationally accepted levels of quality and standards.
    • To provide computer literacy as well as high level of competency in students regarding communication skills in Hindi and English.
    • To provide high quality higher education at minimal financial cost.
    • To develop effective collaboration with national and state level organizations for undertaking professional courses and research in priority areas -
      at state and national level.
    • To develop strong commitment in the students towards national, social and community needs.
    • To protect and nurture the interests of women / minorities and weaker sections of the society.
    • To enhance the quality of teaching-learning process by increasing the academic and professional competence of the teachers.


    Khirwa Road, Khirwa Jalalpur Meerut, (UP) India
    Mob.: 8171081113
    E-mail : tpsmeerut@yahoo.com
    Affiliation No : 2130992.
    Website : www.tejpublicschool.com